Monday, April 23, 2012

6 Week Update

Okay, so this is a little late because Davis is 7 weeks old today - oops! Originally I had planned to do a weekly update, but I know that would never happen and it would drive me crazy when I missed a week. (This is the same reason I didn't do weekly belly shots while I was pregnant.) However, this being the first day of his 7th week of life, I'm not too late to report on his first 6 weeks.

Likes: bouncing, making eye contact, playing on the floor, smiling at farting noises, making strange faces, splashing around in his whale bath tub, kicking his legs, having 90s dance parties in the sling with mommy, of course eating, and I'm pretty sure he also likes the Gators! Good boy!

Dislikes: getting out of the bath tub, being gassy, having his nails clipped, but he also hates when he scratches his face..he hasn't quite mastered the concept of cause and effect yet - maybe next week.

Other News: We haven't been back to the pediatrician in a few weeks, but we're pretty sure Davis is somewhere in the 12 lbs range. I know - giant baby! He is finally starting to chunk up - especially his cheeks and thighs!
 Latest Claim to Fame: Davis has definitely got this smiling thing down now and he's even begun dabbling in the laughing/giggling department! It's beyond adorable! 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Glamorous Life

Being a parent is oh so glamorous! I hope you can sense my sarcasm. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but glamorous is certainly not an adjective that should ever be used to describe it. Ever.

For example, as I type this I am still in my pjs (it's 1:10 pm) that have dried spit-up on them and I'm pretty sure there's some in my hair too. It will also take me twice as long to type this because I only have one hand available at the moment - trying to keep a pacifier in with the other. As a parent, I now obsess over odd things. I sent a text to a mommy friend this morning stating, "I have an OCD-like obsession with getting boogers out of Davis' nose." When did picking someone else's nose become cool? March 5 at 3:31 pm, that's when! Seriously, I hate for him to have boogers in his nose. I spend a sizable chunk of time during the day suctioning, wiping, and scratching crusties out of/off of his nose. I know this is completely disgusting but it's my life these days. Yesterday, I sucked out his first "real" booger - not just snot so what did I do?? Took a picture and sent it to Andrew! He really appreciated it - especially because it was about a hour after I sent him a picture of Davis' massive blow-out in his bouncy seat. *It dripped a trail from the living room to his changing table, by the way.* Poor kid had a gooey kind of day yesterday and I got the pleasure of cleaning it all. Glamorous, right?

Also, I've noticed as parents, we get really excited about poo. The other day I was getting ready (I know - shocking!) and I hear Andrew yell, "Erin! Come in here!" So I go trotting into the nursery thinking something is wrong and upon arrival Andrew said, "Look at the size of this poo!" It was quite impressive and I appreciated the invitation for the viewing. We also cheer when Davis does a stinky - lets us know everything is working its way through properly. I would be concerned about myself except that I know I'm not alone. It's a parent thing. Here's a text from my friend, Andrea, from today: "Brad (her hubs) always asks for poop updates. She took a dump this morning I don't think Brad or I is capable of! I had to Lysol her room twice because it smelled so bad!"

See? I'm not alone. We share these disgusting tidbits with each other all day. It's nice not having to be so incredibly glamorous all by myself.

** I would attach the blow-out and booger pictures, but I realize that not everyone is a parent and therefore not interested in seeing them. You just wait though...I'll be happy to send them along for anyone's viewing pleasure. Just ask! :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

4 Week Update

Holy moly - my baby is a month old! In his first month of life, he'll already have celebrated two holidays - St. Patrick's Day and Easter (tomorrow). I tried to get Andrew to let me dye his milk green for St. Patty's day, but that was a no-go. Tee hee! :) Today he is gearing up for Easter celebrations by wearing his "Team Jellybean" onesie from Gramma!
All about Davis - 4 weeks:

Likes: EATING, bouncing in his new bouncy seat, lifting his head while on your chest, staring longingly into your eyes, bath time (usually), walks in his stroller, being held, and looking at himself in the mirror (he seriously LOVES himself) - see:

Dislikes: being hungry/waiting for a bottle, being in the car seat but not moving anywhere, photo shoots, wearing bunny ears for pictures, getting his clothes changed, shopping (he cried and made me hold him the entire time during our shopping trip to Target)

Other news: Davis had his very first play date!! Last Saturday he got to meet his future best friend - Cooper! They were sooo adorable together. Cooper is 8 days younger than Davis and about 1 1/2 lbs smaller; however, he spent most of the play date punching Davis in the face - LOL! Davis didn't seem to mind though...just stared curiously at Cooper for the majority of the play date. He did get in a few good retaliation punches there towards the end though. After their little staring-fest on the floor, they had an Easter arts & crafts session. Here is one example of his super cute footprint art:
(It's a bunny and a chicken if you couldn't tell! Also, I found that his ridiculously long toes make perfect blades of grass!)

Latest Claim to Fame: As you can see in the mirror picture, he's starting to smile!! I take credit for what I consider his first "real" smile - not just gas. On multiple occasions, he has smiled when I stick my tongue out at him. I think he even tries to mimic me sometimes, but then again, I'm also one of those moms that thinks my baby is mini-Einstein, so probably not. Oh well. :)

Friday, April 6, 2012


Here I am - one whole month into motherhood! It's been quite an adventure and an adjustment for the whole household - dogs included. In this past month, I have had quite a few revelations.

1. I am a mother and am now entitled to whatever I want. For some reason, I now feel like I am free to do or say whatever I want because...I am a mother. For example, I was driving down the road the other day and saw a police officer coming in my direction. I may or may not have been going slightly over the speed limit. Normally I would have slammed on my brakes, got super nervous, and checked my rear view mirror for the next 5-10 miles to see if I was about to be pulled over. However, this time I slowed a little and then thought "he can't pull me over - I'm a mother! I have places to go!" Another example is when I was having a "mommy's night out" with some friends last weekend. Can you believe the audacity of the bartender to serve the gentleman to my right who had been waiting much longer than me first?! I am a mother! I need a drink more than he does!

2. Everything is 10x louder when the baby is sleeping. Opening a can of coke...used to be a refreshing sound. Now? Sounds like an atomic bomb is going off. When I finally get the baby to sleep at night and crawl into bed to snuggle up, the sheets actually make a normal rustling sound; however, to me it sounds like hurricane-force winds whipping through a clothesline. I then have to proceed in super slow-motion and climb into bed like I'm stalking prey in the Sahara.

3. All modesty has gone out of the window. I will now answer any question one may have about pregnancy, labor, the color and consistency of my baby's poop, etc with no hesitation. Previously, I was actually quite a modest person. Not anymore! If you happen to be at my house for more than an hour or two and it is time to pump, it is almost guaranteed that you will see "the girls". I have no shame these days.

4. Nothing is off limits in discussions with fellow parents. My best example so far actually happened tonight. I was out to dinner with my hubs, my MIL, and sweet baby Davis. He was getting a little fussy so I was holding him and giving him a bottle at the table. A male server (not even our server, mind you) came over and asked how old he is. Ok, not a big deal - it's a normal question to ask a lady with a baby. He goes on to tell me that his little girl just turned 4 weeks too! Next question out of his mouth, "Is that formula or breast milk you're feeding him?" Ummm...hello sir, nice to meet you! He did congratulate me on only giving him breast milk and then reassured me that by now my milk supply is already established so I should be able to keep up with Davis' demand even though he's a big eater. I feel so much better now. Thanks.

5. I will never be on time again - ever. I might as well not set a time for when I will be somewhere because I will most definitely be late. I planned to meet a friend at Starbucks this morning at 9:30...finally at 12:30pm we placed our order. It's ridiculous. If I tell you to meet me at my house at 1:00, I mean for you to be there at 1:00 so that you can entertain Davis and I can spend the next 30 minutes getting ready, then an additional 10 minutes packing his diaper bag and getting him in the car seat. Once we actually get to our destination, plan on another 5-7 minutes in the parking lot getting the stroller out and set-up, etc. 

6. I could never be a single mother. Seriously, I don't know how these women do it. Being a mother is serious business - it's hard. Really hard. I can never express my gratitude to my family and friends who have helped me and allowed me to keep my sanity throughout the last four weeks. I've always known Andrew was a wonderful man, friend, and husband but for real...Dad of the Year! I also have to give a special thanks to my mom and mother-in-law who were here alternating "shifts" for the first two weeks, call to check on me daily (and sometimes just to chat!), and come over on the weekends to help with the baby. I couldn't ask for two better women in my life or better grandmas to Davis!