Monday, April 23, 2012

6 Week Update

Okay, so this is a little late because Davis is 7 weeks old today - oops! Originally I had planned to do a weekly update, but I know that would never happen and it would drive me crazy when I missed a week. (This is the same reason I didn't do weekly belly shots while I was pregnant.) However, this being the first day of his 7th week of life, I'm not too late to report on his first 6 weeks.

Likes: bouncing, making eye contact, playing on the floor, smiling at farting noises, making strange faces, splashing around in his whale bath tub, kicking his legs, having 90s dance parties in the sling with mommy, of course eating, and I'm pretty sure he also likes the Gators! Good boy!

Dislikes: getting out of the bath tub, being gassy, having his nails clipped, but he also hates when he scratches his face..he hasn't quite mastered the concept of cause and effect yet - maybe next week.

Other News: We haven't been back to the pediatrician in a few weeks, but we're pretty sure Davis is somewhere in the 12 lbs range. I know - giant baby! He is finally starting to chunk up - especially his cheeks and thighs!
 Latest Claim to Fame: Davis has definitely got this smiling thing down now and he's even begun dabbling in the laughing/giggling department! It's beyond adorable! 

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