Monday, June 18, 2012

It's a Parent Thing...You Wouldn't Understand...

So, I absolutely HATE those stickers and window decals that say "It's Jeep thing... Wouldn't Understand," and every other variation of it. I get drive a Jeep...we don't know what's it like to have half doors, no windows, and no real roof on our vehicles....unless of course, we own a golf cart and then we do. Let's be honest - a Jeep really is just a jacked up golf cart. I'm not just picking on Jeeps here - I hate all of those sayings. "It's Seminole thing, it's a Gator thing, it's a Cane thing..." yes, we all understand - we just wear different colors.

However, as of 3 1/2 months ago, I joined a new group - it's called 'parenthood'. Our saying, you ask? "It's a Parent Thing...You Wouldn't Understand." Since becoming a mom, I now have something in common with a large number of women that I otherwise may not have. Moms can find another mom and talk for hours. I find myself in the Publix check-out line or on an elevator having in-depth heart to hearts and sharing spit-up, booger, and poop stories with complete strangers. It's not even just limited to talk about the babies - labor stories, breastfeeding drama, postpartum recovery are all fair game.

Being a new member of this exclusive club, I understand that if you're not part of the "Parent Club" then you really don't care to be...or care to hear parents talk to each other. I get that. I was just there 3 1/2 months ago. I didn't want to hear about your babies latest blow-out or which diapers made your child break-out in a nasty rash. You have your own clubs that parents aren't allowed in anymore. It just really is the funniest thing to listen to parents talk to each other. I've even heard stories from Andrew about sitting around with guys, drinking beer, talking about their babies' sleeping habits - or lack thereof. It all sounds really dorky and boring until you're in that situation, so it's true..."It's a Parent Thing...You Wouldn't Undestand."

Monday, May 28, 2012

12 Week Update

12 weeks?! Really? I can't believe my baby is a whole trimester old! :) He is getting to be so animated and really developing a little personality - it's so fun to see how he changes everyday. Literally - he does something new everyday! So like I mentioned in an earlier post about not wanting to take weekly maternity pictures because I knew I'd miss a week and it would drive me crazy...I've missed one of my two week marks - the 10 week update. Yes, it's driving me crazy and I considered abandoning the idea all together, but decided that I must push through this. I can't be a quitter - what kind of example would I be setting for my son?!

Davis - 12 weeks:

Likes: when daddy tickles his chunky thighs (seriously, I've never heard him laugh so loud!), sitting like a big boy in his Bumbo seat (he starts smiling sooo big!), watching tv (I know, I'm a bad mother), staring at the lights and listening to the music on his starfish, trying to mimic facial expressions - especially sticking his tongue out, doing "sit-ups" using our hands to pull himself up, dancing around and singing with mommy (Bob Marley is always a favorite), staring at his hands, and being swaddled to sleep, which is the weirdest thing because he HATED this from birth until about 2 weeks ago.

Dislikes: still very impatient while waiting for a bottle - he screams like he hasn't eaten in days (even though it's only been about 3 hours), waking up from a nap only to realize he's in his car seat, sand in his toes (figured this out at the beach this week), tummy time, when mommy disturbs him to take pictures while he's trying to watch Sports Center...see the annoyance:

Other news: Davis took his very first vacation this week! We traveled to the Outer Banks - Corolla, NC and stayed at the beach for a week. He was incredibly good on the 14 hour drive. On the way there, he only cried for maybe a total of 20 minutes. The way home wasn't as great, but still pretty impressive for a 3 month old! He loved getting to meet Uncle Matthew and spending lots of QT with Mimi and Grandpa! This was also his very first time at the beach. (I know, Andrew and I feel like failures as Floridians that our son's first time at the beach was in North Carolina!)
Latest Claim to Fame: Sitting in his Bumbo - he's got some serious head/neck control! What a big boy!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Baby Olympics

Just admit it. We all do it. Comparing your child with others is inevitable. As much as I said I would never do it - even before I was ever pregnant - I can't help myself. As sick and twisted as it is, I want my baby to be the best - better than all the others. Of course, in my opinion, he is! :) I do realize, however, that all parents feel this way. We all have the best babies in all the world and that's okay, but let's just settle it once and for all...let's hold a "Baby Olympics"!

One question I get asked constantly is, "How does he sleep?" Do you really care how another person's baby sleeps? Absolutely not. The real intention behind it is, "Does my baby sleep longer/go down easier than yours?" I'm guilty of this myself. It's unfortunate if you're sleep deprived, but really I'm just sizing up the competition. I'll be the first to admit, Davis isn't winning any medals in this category, but he's been practicing and will be some serious competition in the near future. Be on the look out!

Competitions in which Davis is certainly topping the podium are eating and gaining weight. I challenge anyone to find a baby that likes to eat as much (and gets as excited at the sight of a bottle) and had to take the 4-11 month dose of Baby Tylenol after his 2 month shots due to his weight. At 15 lbs, he isn't playing any games. (*15 lbs was a few weeks ago, so who knows what he's up to now!)

There definitely would have to be a competition for each of the major milestones. Smiling - who started the earliest? Who does it the most? Spontaneous or in response to something? Laughing - same as smiling. Rolling over - Davis can't enter this race that a bad thing? Tummy time - who can hold their head up the highest degree? How many times can your baby turn his/her head side to side in 5 minutes? Which baby can go the longest without crying during tummy time? Cooing - when did it start? How many different sounds can your baby make? Vowels? Consonants?

These are all just in the 0-3 month bracket. I imagine that competition only gets fiercer as the babies get older - walking, talking, curing cancer - oh my! Like I said, I'm just as guilty as the next mom so I'm not just throwing stones here. Perhaps it's simply human nature to compete in all areas of life - including babies - who knows? I do know, however, that the only real way to settle it is to hold the 1st Annual Baby Olympics! Who's in?

Monday, May 7, 2012

8 Week Update

Two months already!? It's really hard to believe! The first month absolutely flew by and then the second month seemed to drag a little, but thinking back on it, it seems like just yesterday I was in bed eating a blueberry muffin wondering if my water broke or if I slowly losing control of my bladder. Oh the memories...

Davis - 8 weeks:

Likes: smiling, mimicking me when I stick out my tongue, laughing, when Bear licks his toes, laying on his aquarium mat and kicking his ball, still LOVES staring at himself in the mirror, splashing/kicking his feet in the tub

Dislikes: getting out of the bath tub, still has no patience and hates waiting for a bottle to heat, when his pacifier falls out, his bassinet (he refused to sleep in it anymore at about 7 weeks)

Other News: I had been noticing that he seemed uncomfortable and in pain - usually after he ate. I passed it off as being extremely gassy, but after weeks of gas drops, pumping his legs, and massaging his belly, it didn't seem to be getting any better. Actually, it was getting worse. Long story short, we went to see the pediatrician about it and she diagnosed him with acid reflux. :( Poor baby. Immediately, I felt like a terrible mother for waiting so long to take him in. I was "afraid" to be that overly protective/paranoid first-time mom - I figured I was overreacting. Shame on me. However, the doctor said it wasn't too bad and that in her opinion, all babies have some form of reflux - just differs in severity. She prescribed him Zantac that he takes twice a day. Aside from him hating the minty flavor and making some serious scrunchy faces, it has worked like magic! No more screaming, high-pitched squealing, arching his back, waking up from dead sleeps to cry for 2-3 minutes! Let's hope it continues to work! It's also really fun to watch people's reaction when I tell them that, like a 60 year old man, my baby takes Zantac.

Happier news - Davis has just been introduced to his teddy! He seems to like it so far!

Latest Claim to Fame: At the pediatrician's office at 7 weeks old, Davis weighed a whopping...13 lbs! At 2 weeks old, he was 9 lbs 12 oz and in the 78th percentile for his age. Now? He's in the 96th percentile! Tee hee! My baby is such an over-achiever!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Easier Everyday"

I had heard during the last few weeks of my pregnancy and was reminded numerous times during the first few weeks after having him, that "it gets easier everyday." An "experienced" mother (she has 3 kids, so I consider that experienced) told me, "If you can make it through that first day at home, just know that it gets easier everyday after that - but it never gets easy." I almost completely agree...

Yes, all of those people were right in the fact that it does get easier, but never gets easy. However, the first two weeks were a breeze! He slept all the time, I had Andrew home to help - plus 2 fabulous grandmas staying here! It wasn't until the third week that $&*# hit the fan. I was alone - alllll alone - with a little man to take care of...needless to say, I was terrified. I was lonely too - going from a houseful of people, visitors constantly, and all the excitement to nothing but me, Davis and 'The View' was a huge transition. That's when it came....I can't say I wasn't warned, but it was only by one person (also a new mom)....the third week - dun dun dun!!!! Holy moly - the third week was a struggle. My sweet, sleepy baby was no more. He was awake and cranky! We had a day or two when we suspected the awful 'c' word - colic. Thankfully, I don't think that was the case...just a few extremely gassy, fussy hours. That's about the week that the thought "what did I get myself into?" came into my mind. Show me a mother who says she didn't have this thought - even for a split second - and I'll show you a liar. During the more difficult times, I had to cling to that famous phrase - "it gets easier everyday". So at 3:30am, after 2 hours of crying for seemingly no reason, I kept thinking to myself, "if I can go to sleep and wake up tomorrow, it will be easier than it is today." For the most part, it was true.

Now, being in the middle of the 8th week (I can't believe it!!) I can honestly say that it is easier! Yes, he's awake more but he's happy! Or if he's not happy, it's easier to figure out why and to fix it! It doesn't hurt that a few weeks ago he started smiling and hasn't stopped since. It is absolutely impossible - no matter how frustrated I am cleaning a diaper blow-out at 4 am - to be angry when he looks up and smiles at me from that changing table. I melt. This kid will get away with anything in life if he keeps looking at and smiling at me (and his daddy) like that!

So, if there are any expectant mothers out there that are tired of hearing all of the stories and advice from us "experienced" mothers, just ignore all of it except "it gets easier everyday - starting after the 3rd week." It may be what gets you through the day....or at least the next few weeks until the smiles start rolling in! :)
How could you resist this face?!

Monday, April 23, 2012

6 Week Update

Okay, so this is a little late because Davis is 7 weeks old today - oops! Originally I had planned to do a weekly update, but I know that would never happen and it would drive me crazy when I missed a week. (This is the same reason I didn't do weekly belly shots while I was pregnant.) However, this being the first day of his 7th week of life, I'm not too late to report on his first 6 weeks.

Likes: bouncing, making eye contact, playing on the floor, smiling at farting noises, making strange faces, splashing around in his whale bath tub, kicking his legs, having 90s dance parties in the sling with mommy, of course eating, and I'm pretty sure he also likes the Gators! Good boy!

Dislikes: getting out of the bath tub, being gassy, having his nails clipped, but he also hates when he scratches his face..he hasn't quite mastered the concept of cause and effect yet - maybe next week.

Other News: We haven't been back to the pediatrician in a few weeks, but we're pretty sure Davis is somewhere in the 12 lbs range. I know - giant baby! He is finally starting to chunk up - especially his cheeks and thighs!
 Latest Claim to Fame: Davis has definitely got this smiling thing down now and he's even begun dabbling in the laughing/giggling department! It's beyond adorable! 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Glamorous Life

Being a parent is oh so glamorous! I hope you can sense my sarcasm. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but glamorous is certainly not an adjective that should ever be used to describe it. Ever.

For example, as I type this I am still in my pjs (it's 1:10 pm) that have dried spit-up on them and I'm pretty sure there's some in my hair too. It will also take me twice as long to type this because I only have one hand available at the moment - trying to keep a pacifier in with the other. As a parent, I now obsess over odd things. I sent a text to a mommy friend this morning stating, "I have an OCD-like obsession with getting boogers out of Davis' nose." When did picking someone else's nose become cool? March 5 at 3:31 pm, that's when! Seriously, I hate for him to have boogers in his nose. I spend a sizable chunk of time during the day suctioning, wiping, and scratching crusties out of/off of his nose. I know this is completely disgusting but it's my life these days. Yesterday, I sucked out his first "real" booger - not just snot so what did I do?? Took a picture and sent it to Andrew! He really appreciated it - especially because it was about a hour after I sent him a picture of Davis' massive blow-out in his bouncy seat. *It dripped a trail from the living room to his changing table, by the way.* Poor kid had a gooey kind of day yesterday and I got the pleasure of cleaning it all. Glamorous, right?

Also, I've noticed as parents, we get really excited about poo. The other day I was getting ready (I know - shocking!) and I hear Andrew yell, "Erin! Come in here!" So I go trotting into the nursery thinking something is wrong and upon arrival Andrew said, "Look at the size of this poo!" It was quite impressive and I appreciated the invitation for the viewing. We also cheer when Davis does a stinky - lets us know everything is working its way through properly. I would be concerned about myself except that I know I'm not alone. It's a parent thing. Here's a text from my friend, Andrea, from today: "Brad (her hubs) always asks for poop updates. She took a dump this morning I don't think Brad or I is capable of! I had to Lysol her room twice because it smelled so bad!"

See? I'm not alone. We share these disgusting tidbits with each other all day. It's nice not having to be so incredibly glamorous all by myself.

** I would attach the blow-out and booger pictures, but I realize that not everyone is a parent and therefore not interested in seeing them. You just wait though...I'll be happy to send them along for anyone's viewing pleasure. Just ask! :)