Sunday, May 27, 2012

Baby Olympics

Just admit it. We all do it. Comparing your child with others is inevitable. As much as I said I would never do it - even before I was ever pregnant - I can't help myself. As sick and twisted as it is, I want my baby to be the best - better than all the others. Of course, in my opinion, he is! :) I do realize, however, that all parents feel this way. We all have the best babies in all the world and that's okay, but let's just settle it once and for all...let's hold a "Baby Olympics"!

One question I get asked constantly is, "How does he sleep?" Do you really care how another person's baby sleeps? Absolutely not. The real intention behind it is, "Does my baby sleep longer/go down easier than yours?" I'm guilty of this myself. It's unfortunate if you're sleep deprived, but really I'm just sizing up the competition. I'll be the first to admit, Davis isn't winning any medals in this category, but he's been practicing and will be some serious competition in the near future. Be on the look out!

Competitions in which Davis is certainly topping the podium are eating and gaining weight. I challenge anyone to find a baby that likes to eat as much (and gets as excited at the sight of a bottle) and had to take the 4-11 month dose of Baby Tylenol after his 2 month shots due to his weight. At 15 lbs, he isn't playing any games. (*15 lbs was a few weeks ago, so who knows what he's up to now!)

There definitely would have to be a competition for each of the major milestones. Smiling - who started the earliest? Who does it the most? Spontaneous or in response to something? Laughing - same as smiling. Rolling over - Davis can't enter this race that a bad thing? Tummy time - who can hold their head up the highest degree? How many times can your baby turn his/her head side to side in 5 minutes? Which baby can go the longest without crying during tummy time? Cooing - when did it start? How many different sounds can your baby make? Vowels? Consonants?

These are all just in the 0-3 month bracket. I imagine that competition only gets fiercer as the babies get older - walking, talking, curing cancer - oh my! Like I said, I'm just as guilty as the next mom so I'm not just throwing stones here. Perhaps it's simply human nature to compete in all areas of life - including babies - who knows? I do know, however, that the only real way to settle it is to hold the 1st Annual Baby Olympics! Who's in?

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