Monday, March 19, 2012

Frumpy Moms Club's happened. I have officially joined the Frumpy Moms Club - or the FMC. Throughout my whole pregnancy (and even before getting pregnant) I swore that I would never be a part of this shameful club. It seemed as if as soon as a woman gave birth, all style and effort to look good went out the window. I didn't get it - how hard is it to look presentable?! Well, well, well...not only have I joined the FMC, I could probably be the president. My name is Erin and I am a frumpy mom.

As of today, my baby is two weeks old. In those two weeks, I have been out of my pajamas exactly five times. Two of those times were just to go to the pediatrician and I wore a maxi dress, which, let's be honest, is a glorified nightgown. I have straightened my hair once and dried it twice. Make-up twice as well. I do, however, shower everyday, so I feel pretty good about that!

I suppose my point is that it's so easy to pass judgement and make of list of things you'll "never do" before you are actually in that particular situation. I'm really hoping to pull out of my frump-slump soon, but it's not looking good. I'm honestly jealous of Davis' clothes - if I could wear  zip-up footed sleepers and onesies all day I totally would!

I need to do some serious pampering or else buy my little man this:

Birds & Bees Tees

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you'll be back to the swing of things in no time! Davis is still so little and needs a lot of attention! You'll find your groove again!
