Why do people say that? When hearing that, one would think a deep, sound, long sleep - very restful. However, sleeping like a baby is quite the opposite - at least sleeping like my baby! I try to take the advice, "sleep when the baby sleeps" but this guy is pretty unpredictable. As soon as I get him to sleep and transfer him to the bassinet, he's awake again. Sometimes it's time to eat again or he's poo'd himself, or he just feels like being held and looking around. It's a game of elimination to figure out which it is! Once that need/want is satisfied, he's ready for another snooze. It's also hard to predict how long these little snooze-fests will last - sometimes 20 minutes, sometimes 2 hours. (We are lucky in that he pretty consistently sleeps for 4 hour stretches at night - only waking up to eat and then going back to sleep.) I cannot "sleep like baby". I need long stretches, sleeping in, deep sleep - not half sleeping and waking up at every grunt or sigh. I know, I know...this is just part of being a mom and it isn't anything that every other mother hasn't dealt with before. I just don't understand the phrase "sleeping like baby" because their sleep schedule is quite erratic! Sleeping like my baby is not a positive thing for me!
We go from this...
...to this...
...in about 15 seconds flat.
Maybe if I got myself an adult-size car seat I would be able to sleep better because Davis certainly loves his! He seriously could probably sleep for 24 hours in that thing! (Ok, that's a bit of a stretch, but it sure makes going out to lunch or running errands much easier!)
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