...until he started getting them all the time. It's just like when we adults get hiccups - funny at first (especially after a cocktail or two), then just really, really annoying! I can't help but think that it drives him crazy too! He doesn't know the ol' "hold your breath for 10 seconds" trick and I have no real way to scare him that I know of....Poor guy.
I will say that there are a few good things about his hiccups, though. The first is that it puts my mind at ease to know he's okay in there. Even though my doctor told me it wasn't necessary, I still do kick counts occasionally throughout the day and I've read that hiccups count! (We just got about 157 "kicks" out of the way while I was typing this post) The other positive thing is that it's a great time for Andrew to feel him moving around. I'm spoiled - I get to feel every little kick, roll, and poke - well, some of the time I don't feel so lucky. However, it seems like as soon as I tell Andrew to come feel him, he stops. Then I have to go through the whole, "I swear, he was just playing Dance Dance Revolution in there!" thing. So last night, as we were laying in bed - Andrew falling asleep, me watching Iron Chef America and dreaming of enrolling in cooking school - Davis got the hiccups. I told Andrew and he immediately reached over and put his hand on my belly and, even in the dark, I could see a little smile on his proud daddy face! And that's how he fell asleep...
I was so touched by the super sweet and sensitive moment that I tried to take pictures to capture it forever. Unfortunately, it's really hard to take pictures with your iPhone, in the dark, while lying down. I did the best I could, but you'll have to use your imagination a little bit.
(My belly is down there in the left-hand corner.)
(Please try to ignore my super sexy linea nigra and even sexier stretch marks!)
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