Sunday, February 5, 2012


So it's almost official - the ladies are about to be outnumbered in our household. Andrew and I have done a great job keeping things even up until this point - 1 man, 1 woman, 1 boy dog, 1 girl dog, 1 boy cat, and 1 girl cat (yes, we are operating a small circus!). However, in just 4 weeks, us ladies will be outnumbered!

On March 5, we are expecting our first little bundle of joy - a little blue bundle! Little man, Davis, will officially tip the scales in favor of the boys.  (He will most likely tip the scales in birth weight too, but we're not going to think about that!) In light of these upcoming events and massive changes in our lives, I decided it would be a great time to start blogging - or is it a terrible time to start blogging?? Not sure yet. My thought process is that this will be a great outlet for me to share my thoughts and experiences about my new life - being a pair of ballet flats in a house of boat shoes!


  1. awe! Super cute! Love the blog name! ;)

  2. We're having a boy too! Due March 4th. Love your ultrasound photo. Our was kinda gross. Looked like a peanutbutter skeleton.
