Friday, February 10, 2012

If only...

...everyone treated each other as if they were pregnant, the world would be a much better place. People are so nice to pregnant ladies. This is definitely one of the things I will miss the most about pregnancy. I don't imagine people will be this nice to me once I have the baby - they only care about the baby then. The mother means nothing anymore. So I'm definitely soaking up this positive attention while I can! Here is my latest experience:

So, I'm at the drive-thru at Arby's today (Davis wanted a roast beef sandwich...I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted!) and the lady taking my order was very short - borderline rude. Our conversation went a little something like this:

Girl: What can I get you?
Me: Can I have junior roast beef sandwich, please?
Girl: That's it?
Me: Yes, that's all.
Girl: Pull around.
Me: Thank you!

**I do as I'm instructed.**

Girl: (gives me my total)
Me:  (hand her my debit card)
Girl: Sauce? (mind you, she has yet to make eye contact with me)
Me: Yes, Arby's sauce, please.
Girl: .....Wait, what sauce did you say?
Me: Arby's sauce.
Girl: (turns to me to give me my card - finally making eye contact) You're pregnant?!
Me: Yes.
Girl: Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations, that is so exciting!! When are you due?
Me: Thank you - in about 3 weeks.
Girl: Is it a boy or a girl?
Me: It's a boy.
Girl: What are you naming him?
Me: Davis.
Girl: Davis...I like that! My aunt just had a baby about 3 days ago...a little girl...her name is Daniella!
Me: Oh, that's pretty!
Girl: (hands me my food) Well, good luck with baby Davis! Have a great day!!

Why is it that because now I look to be smuggling a watermelon in my shirt do I deserve service with a smile?? Not that I'm I said, I love the positive attention. But I still firmly believe if we all treated each like we're all expecting, the world would be a much happier - and better - place! :)


  1. I use to love it when people would let me cut in line to pee! It do I miss that...
