Saturday, February 11, 2012

Maternity Pics - Part II

Since this baby bump actually started turning into a real bump that all the world could see (not just me), I've been drooling over adorable maternity pictures on Pinterest. Most of them included both mommy and daddy - and baby, of course! I knew that I would not be satisfied with just pictures of me and bump - I had to get some with Andrew in them too. However, that proved quite difficult! After attempting to use PVC pipes, 2x4s, chairs, etc. to serve as a tripod, we decided to just go out and buy an actual tripod...

$40 at Target and $2 entrance fee to the Lithia State Park and we were on our way to maternity session - part 2!

Here they are in all their glory! I'm happy with the way they turned out. Like I said before, a professional photographer could have done a much better job, but we'll save the $300+ for pictures of this little guy in just a few weeks! $42 is a MUCH better deal!

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